We believe that providing comprehensive information is helpful to those who are just learning about this selling concept. Here you will find answers to questions that we believe sellers want to know. This Q&A is a work in progress. If you think you have a question that we don’t answer please email us. We will respond and possibly add it to the list.
Sometimes our sellers call us to thank us for the hard work we put into helping them get their home sold. Here are two off-the-cuff voicemails left by our sellers. Press play to hear what they have to say about our flat fee MLS listing service. We didn’t ask them to do this. They have given us permission to share these voicemails. We have redacted personal information. This is what we call a real flat fee MLS service review.
Audio PlayerWe offer same-day or scheduled activations for your MLS listing.
When completing our online flat fee listing agreement, you’ll have two activation options available. You can choose to have your MLS listing activated immediately or schedule it for activation on a future date. If you prefer immediate listing, we provide same-day activations every day of the week at no additional cost.
However, if you submit your listing agreement after 4:30 pm, our system won’t allow same-day activation. In such cases, your listing will be activated on the following day. This protocol is in place for your benefit. Activating a listing late in the day means it won’t receive a full first day on the market, as the “NEW” status typically lasts around 4 days. Therefore, it’s advisable not to delay activation until the end of the day.
→ Get the process started by heading over to our Flat Fee Listing Agreement Wizard to create, sign and execute the listing agreement online.
Permalink: How long does it take to get my flat fee MLS listing activated?
YES and NO.
Real Estate Agents will be able to see your contact information under the ‘special showing instructions’ field. MLS prohibits displaying seller/owner contact information on public listings. However, our office information is clearly displayed for all interested Buyers and Agents. If a prospective buyer calls us we will tell them to contact you directly by providing them with your contact information. If they email us we will forward the inquiry to you. If they leave us a voicemail, we will forward you a copy of the voicemail in .mp3 format so you can listen to the message and respond at your convenience. We have a system in place that ensures rapid communication no matter what time of day the inquiry comes in. Related Q&A: How will prospective buyers contact me?
→ Get the process started by heading over to our Agreement Wizard to create, sign and execute the listing agreement online.
Inquiries about your property are handled promptly because we recognize the importance of swift follow-up.
If an agent expresses interest in showing your property, they will find your contact information under the ‘special showing instructions’ field. This field is visible only to agents.
If a prospective buyer calls us, we will provide them with your contact information. Should they leave a voicemail, we will forward you a copy of the voicemail in .mp3 format so you can listen and respond. Similarly, if someone emails about your property, we will promptly forward you the message. We advise our sellers to check their email frequently, as inquiries are relayed shortly after we receive them.
→ Get the process started by heading over to our Flat Fee Listing Agreement Wizard to create, sign and execute the listing agreement online.
Permalink: How will prospective buyers get in touch with me?
We do listing changes/edits/revisions 7 days a week. Once a listing is activated, we make changes as they come into our client center. We are quick to make listing revisions as needed. Usually within minutes from the time you press submit. Our internal systems are efficient.
→ Get the process started by heading over to our Agreement Wizard to create, sign and execute the listing agreement online.
Permalink: How long does it take to edit/revise my listing once activated?
Absolutely not. We have a great reputation. If an agent has a buyer who is interested they will schedule a showing without delay. Most agents don’t even know your listing is a limited service type of listing. Our flat fee listing service is great for buyer’s agents as we are adding inventory to the local marketplace that might not be available otherwise. Without our flat fee listings, the marketplace would surely have fewer properties for sale. We also educate our sellers so they know what they are doing. This makes the job of an agent easier.
→ Get the process started by heading over to our Agreement Wizard to create, sign and execute the listing agreement online.
Permalink: https://instamls.com/faq/buyer-agents-blacklist-flat-fee-listings/
We have a streamlined lined system in place for those who inquire about your property. If a prospective buyer contacts us through a third-party site, our system will forward you the buyers’ information shortly after. If they call us we will provide them with your contact information. If a voicemail is left, we will forward you the voicemail via .mp3 file to your email so you can listen and respond the message.
→ Get the process started by heading over to our Flat Fee Listing Agreement Wizard to create, sign and execute the listing agreement online.
Permalink: How will prospective buyers get in touch with me?
The rules governing the use of for-sale signs are fairly straightforward. You may not plant a sign that says For Sale By Owner, FSBO or By Owner. Technically once a home is activated on MLS your home is no longer classified as a For Sale By Owner. Your listing is marketed under our real estate brokerage name. Furthermore, if a consumer viewed your home via MLS or partner site, then drove by your property to check out the exterior and neighborhood, a For Sale By Owner sign would most likely confuse them. Likewise, if an agent scheduled a showing and saw a For Sale By Owner sign when pulling up to your property it could throw them off. Since perception is extremely important when marketing real estate we have customizable signage for sale. All signs are high-quality double-sided corrugated plastic. Just add your phone number and plant it curbside. Each sign comes with a galvanized steel ‘H’ lawn stake, 3″ numeric stencils, and a jumbo blue marker.
→ Get the process started by heading over to our Agreement Wizard to create, sign and execute the listing agreement online.
If a buyer comes to your home, without the representation of a Buyer’s Agent, you will not be obligated to pay a commission on the sale. Just be sure to ask each buyer if they are working with an agent. We will provide you with sign-in sheets so you can keep track of who is represented and who is not.
→ Get the process started by heading over to our Agreement Wizard to create, sign and execute the listing agreement online.
Absolutely. We can include almost anything that pertains to your property as long as they don’t violate fair housing laws. We ask that the documents are clean in pdf format. A few examples include.
- Disclosures
- Floor Plans
- Plot Plans
- Designs / Specs / Plans
- Association Documents
- Bylaws
- Permits
The initial listing term is 12 months unless otherwise noted. We know what you are thinking? Why 12 months when you believe it will sell in much less time? The short answer is that 12 months is more beneficial for you, the seller, and it makes the listing contract a lot easier for all parties involved (us and you). Renewals are painful and “running time” goes a lot quicker than you would think. Since we allow sellers to cancel anytime without penalty, it’s a lot better to have the luxury of not looking at the calendar. You may believe that your property will go under agreement right away, but this is real estate and you never know what can happen after a written offer is made. In theory, you could have your property under agreement on the first day it hits the market, but the overall process has a lot of steps and all these steps accumulate calendar days really fast. To put things into perspective. Think about this… You get an offer, the inspection (7-8 days post-offer) goes without a hitch, but you later find out your buyer isn’t able to get financing (30-45 days later) and the deal you had initially thought was simple and straightforward goes south for whatever reason. When this happens you have to find another buyer and the days-weeks-months start to add up and pass quickly. If a deal crumbles it’s back the square one. Everything starts over. Ouch.
→ Get the process started by heading over to our Agreement Wizard to create, sign and execute the listing agreement online.
Permalink: How long will the flat fee MLS listing be active for?
This is a fairly common question; one that is misconceived. MLS updates policies, rules, and regulations to curb unethical agents who think they can trick the system. Being honest, ethical and professional is the best way to be successful in real estate.
In order for your property to show as zero days on market, the address needs to be off of MLS for 60 days. The cumulative DOM reset policy for new listings has been updated. When a listing has been off the market in one or more of any of the off-market statuses (not just Expired or Canceled), uninterrupted, for at least 60 full days immediately preceding the entry of a new listing for that property, the Days on Market from the old listing will not be added to the new listing.
However, since MLS retains all listing data for all previously listed properties, the total days on market will show under the ‘property history’ feature. With this being said, waiting 60 days to reset the DOM counter makes little sense. Any reasonably intelligent buyer’s agent will do a historical search on MLS on behalf of their buyer client.
If your property is relisted on MLS before the 60-day mark, it will still show up on MLS as ‘new’ for a few days. This is what counts when marketing real estate to consumers.
→ Get the process started by heading over to our Agreement Wizard to create, sign and execute the listing agreement online.
While it’s true that this service is not for everyone, it does work for most who price their home within the market value range. Our service will not work if the property is overpriced. No service will. We only recommend this service to those who don’t mind responding to inquiries, scheduling showings, and being present for showings. If you’re the type of person who doesn’t mind interacting with people and gets excited about saving thousands of dollars then this service will work for you.
→ Get the process started by heading over to our Agreement Wizard to create, sign and execute the listing agreement online.
Permalink: How do I know if this service is for me?
We are obsessive about providing amazing customer service but don’t take our word for it. Click the play button below and listen to what these past sellers had to say when they left a voicemail.
Audio PlayerDifferent? We develop and write our own software to power your smooth selling experience. Our agreement wizard and offer generator were built in-house. We are the only real estate service that provides a free and easy-to-use offer generator so your buyers can put an Offer to Purchase together in under 15 minutes without assistance.
Since we were one of the first to offer this type of service we have a lot of experience. Since we have been slinging real estate since 2006 there’s not much we haven’t seen. We know how to market and we understand how buyers think so we understand how to tweak your listing to attract the largest demographic possible. Your property will be listed under Hillman Real Estate, not a whacky online service name. Our name is well respected. Since we are a “referral” based company, we understand that in order for you to refer your friends, family, and co-workers, we must work hard to gain your trust. We always go the extra mile to make sure you are happy. Unlike other services, we are located in New England and are available 7 days per week by phone and email.
→ Get the process started by heading over to our Agreement Wizard to create, sign and execute the listing agreement online.
Permalink: How does your service differ from others?
Sure. Check this link to see what a full spec active MLS listing looks like on MLSPIN, Massachusetts’ primary MLS. When priced right our listings go under agreement fast. We have many under agreement/pending listings that are not displayed on the aforementioned page. All third-party partner sites like Realtor.com, Boston.com, Zillow.com, Trulia.com etc. display real estate listings differently so appearance may vary from site to site. In addition to real estate-related search sites, brokerage franchises’ websites also display our listings so it doesn’t really matter where someone searches, they will find your listing. Please keep in mind that seller contact info is not shown on public listing sheets. When matching prospective properties to their buyer clients, real estate agents view broker listing sheets. Agent listing sheets will show seller contact information and the commission amount being offered.
→ Get the process started by heading over to our Agreement Wizard to create, sign and execute the listing agreement online.
We do everything same day unless you specify a certain activation date. We have a streamlined process to get the property listed and marketed.
→ Get the process started by heading over to our Agreement Wizard to create, sign and execute the listing agreement online.
If the property you are listing is in a Trust, the listing agreement should be signed like the example below or simply use enter the legal name of the Trustee. Disclaimer: consult your attorney.
Seller #1 will be the Name of Trust and Seller #2 will be your Full Name if you are the Trustee. If you are unsure of the legal name of your Trust
→ Get the process started by heading over to our Agreement Wizard to create, sign and execute the listing agreement online.
When entering a listing into the Multiple Listing Service we are required to enter an ‘activation date’ and an ‘expiration date.’ While it typically doesn’t take this long to sell a property, our standard contract term is for 12 months unless specified otherwise. We do 12-month agreements so our sellers don’t need to watch the calendar. It also makes things easier for everyone. You may cancel your listing anytime.
If not sold within this time frame your listing will be renewed as many times as it takes at no additional charge as long as you let us know before the 365th day we will renew your MLS listing for free. We have no control over bonus sites, they usually keep your listing active until under agreement. Please check your listing agreement for state-specific details as our terms may vary.
→ Get the process started by heading over to our Agreement Wizard to create, sign and execute the listing agreement online.
The simple answer is that we want to help and we don’t care with the industry norm is. We realize that not everyone wants to pay a full commission to sell their home. We do a lot of limited service listings and we do more than enough full-service listings. Our focus is to work hard for you and anyone you refer to us.
→ Get the process started by heading over to our Agreement Wizard to create, sign and execute the listing agreement online.
Getting your listing onto MLS is critical if you want extreme exposure. It’s really the only way to get your home sold fast and for the best price. Our Flat Fee MLS service provides far greater exposure than traditional For Sale By Owner marketing efforts. There’s no comparison. We get your home all the most popular websites. You need exposure and we get it for you. We do not list and forget you. We also help you from start to finish. If you want to use a For Sale By Owner website in addition to our service, you may do so but we rather not see you waste money. FSBO sites come to us to get their sellers onto MLS.
→ Get the process started by heading over to our Agreement Wizard to create, sign and execute the listing agreement online.
Absolutely. Agents will be more than thrilled to show your home to prospective buyers. They will not treat you any differently than any other seller. The real estate community does not shun our service because our listings add inventory to the marketplace and Hillman Real Estate is well respected through the industry. Not all companies are well respected like Hillman Real Estate. We do not just list your property and leave you. We are involved from start to finish. Agents know that our sellers are well informed because we educate them along the way. We are different – very different.
→ Get the process started by heading over to our Agreement Wizard to create, sign and execute the listing agreement online.
Permalink: https://instamls.com/faq/will-a-buyers-agent-show-my-home-if-i-use-a-flat-fee-mls-service/
This is a huge misconception. There’s absolutely no supporting data to this claim. In fact, the data supports that limited service listings help the marketplace by adding inventory that might not be available otherwise. Agents just want to help their customers buy properties. The more inventory – the better. If a buyer likes the house, the agent they hired must show it. If they don’t they will most likely lose them as a client. Our service adds to the housing market inventory which is a good thing.
→ Get the process started by heading over to our Agreement Wizard to create, sign and execute the listing agreement online.
Permalink: https://instamls.com/faq/misconception-agent-will-black-ball-mls-entry-listing/
Yes. There is no visual difference whatsoever. For the most part, even real estate agents who use MLS daily can’t tell the difference. Every listing in MLS is standardized. We put extra effort into each listing to make it shine. We will make sure your listing stands out. Your home is listed under Hillman Real Estate so not even your neighbors will know you listed for a flat fee. We know what works. Perception matters.
→ Get the process started by heading over to our Agreement Wizard to create, sign and execute the listing agreement online.
Permalink: https://instamls.com/faq/will-listing-look-listed-mls-paying-full-commission/
Please ensure you have a printed copy of our Showing Sign-in Sheet available for prospective buyers. Kindly request that they sign in upon arrival our sign-in sheet is designed to enable follow-up efficiently and effectively.
When showing your home to prospective buyers, it’s crucial to avoid hovering over them. Giving them space to explore freely can make them feel more comfortable and allow them to envision themselves living in the space. If the buyer comes with a family member or friend give them space to chat. If a buyer is accompanied by their agent, respect their privacy and allow them to engage with their representative. They will likely return with any questions or feedback they may have.
While we understand that you may have emotional ties to your home, it’s essential to refrain from sharing personal stories during the showing. Buyers don’t want to chit-chat. Prospective buyers are primarily interested in evaluating the property itself, and minimizing distractions helps them focus on its features and potential. Let them walk around and dream a bit.
→ Check out the Offer Wizard to demo the offer to purchase agreement wizard.
Technology has made searching and viewing real estate easy, but making an Offer is a lot more challenging for the average home buyer. Making an offer can be a daunting task if the Buyer doesn’t have an Agent. To make it easier we created an online tool to make the process of creating and submitting offers dead simple. We call it the Easy Offer Wizard. It is currently only for Massachusetts and the offer form is based on the GBREB offer form, which is the most widely used offer form in the state.
We developed our Easy Offer Wizard for our flat fee sellers. When a buyer comes to your home for a showing, just give them a listing sheet along with an offer instruction sheet. We provide both documents. The offer instruction document will give them a web link so they can create and submit a fully compliant Offer to Purchase with all the Contingencies one would expect when offering to buy a home in Massachusetts.
It’s free and a great way to get those prospective buyers over that offer-making hurdle.
→ Get the process started by heading over to our Agreement Wizard to create, sign and execute the listing agreement online.
Photos are extremely important when marketing real estate. When taking your photos, they should be in landscape mode; portrait mode photos don’t look good on third party sites. For the sake of consistency, all photos should be shot using the same mode. Please note, per the rules and regulations of MLS, for sale signs, contact information, and watermarking, is not allowed on photos. We do not allow the use of photorealistic imagery (virtual staging or renovation editing). However, we do allow architectural plans and interior designs (CAD). You must also own the rights to your photos. If you have previously listed your property with another agent, they technically own the rights to the photos. With this being said, you should not search online for your old listing photos and reuse them without permission from the agent unless you photographed them originally.
Photos should be directly related to your property. Showing a local park isn’t a great approach.
Photo Allowance: up to 42 photos per listing. Less is more. Photo allowance is subject to change, but we will inform you of any changes made by MLS prior to activation.
Photo File Size: 512 x 400. Although MLSPIN provides optimal size, it is best to just send us the photos without resizing them. MLS will automatically resize the photos.
New Hampshire
Photo Allowance: up to 40 photos per listing. Less is more. Photo allowance is subject to change, but we will inform you of any changes made by MLS prior to activation.
Photo File Size: maximum resolution is 1280 x 960. If a photo is under the 125K limit but has a resolution of image size larger than 1280 x 960, compression will occur. If a photo is over 125K in file size, the image will be compressed to 125K. Note: this could result in a reduction in quality. For users who upload photos larger than the 125K limit, it is recommended that the images do not exceed 20MB in file size.
Photo Orientation, Formatting, and Ordering
Although not required, we suggest that all photos be taken in landscape mode (turn your phone sideways). Photos taken in portrait mode do not look good. We accept the following photo file formats: .jpg, .png, .gif, and .pdf if you want to send us floor or architectural plans and designs. You should name the photo files in the order you would like them displayed (1.jpg, 2.jpg, 3.jpg) on your listing. If you do not specify the order, we will arrange them for you. The best approach is to start with 1-2 exterior photos > kitchen > first floor rooms > bathrooms > open areas > bedrooms > basement > more exterior > landscape shots. If you have a small bathroom, skip it. There’s nothing gained by showing a photo of a toilet unless it’s one of those fancy TOTO intelligent toilets ;). Photos are meant to pique interest to get prospective buyers to view your property in person. Showing too many photos can sometimes give buyers a reason not to schedule a showing.
Sending Us Your Photos
All listing photos should be sent to photos@instamls.com. Once received, our system will send you an automated email response within 10 seconds informing you that we have received your photos. Our email provider (Google) allows a max size of 25 MB per email. If your photo file sizes are large, we will not receive your email, and you will not receive an automated response. If this occurs, please batch your photos and send them in multiple emails. We recommend running photos through a free online photo compression service such as www.tinyjpg.com. You may also send us a Dropbox link of your photo album. Make the album public and send us the shareable folder link so we have access to download the files. Get a free Dropbox account.
→ Get the process started by heading over to our Agreement Wizard to create, sign and execute the listing agreement online.
Permalink: How many photos can I add to my flat fee MLS listing?
Massachusetts flat fee MLS: $400.00 Listed until sold. Cancel anytime.
New Hampshire flat fee MLS: $425.00 Listed until sold. Cancel anytime.
Cape Cod & Islands Flat Fee MLS: $800.00 (MLSPIN $400.00) + (CCIMLS $400.00) To get listed on CCIMLS you must also be listed on MLSPIN. Read more
The initial term is 12-months. You may cancel anytime without penalty so if you are the type of person who is looking for a 3 or 6-month listing don’t worry. You may cancel anytime without penalty. Read why we do 12-month listings. We even allow you to do a temporary withdrawal if something comes up and you need to halt showings. If you need to renew all you need to do is let us know before the expiration date and we will renew the listing for free.
→ Get the process started by heading over to our Agreement Wizard to create, sign and execute the listing agreement online.
Permalink: How much does your flat fee MLS listing service cost?
In order to get your property listed on MLS for extreme exposure, you need to use a state licensed real estate broker or agent who belongs to your regions Multiple Listing Service. Traditionally, you needed to hire an agent on a full-service basis. With our service, you work with an actual Realtor® for a one-time flat fee to get your property listed on MLS. Here at instaMLS / Hillman, we run a designated Realtor® office. We don’t just list your property and forget about you. We help you along the way but you will respond to inquiries (we will send you them) and do the showings. We even tell you how to go about showing your property. While it may seem easy to open your door, there’s more to it if you want the prospective buyers to feel comfortable.
→ Get the process started by heading over to our Agreement Wizard to create, sign and execute the listing agreement online.
Permalink: How to list on MLS without an Agent, Broker or a Realtor®?